
Assistance Available Through the CCCC’S Resource Centre

One of the aims of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Cursillos (CCCC) is to nurture the development of a unity of understanding of Cursillo’s essence and purpose that is the underlying foundation of the mentality that is necessary to live it authentically. To do this in a country as large as Canada, where we have, in addition to the English Cursillo, several cultural Movements also, is no small task. Although dioceses and regions provide workshops in their own areas, it is important that all of us, from the most seasoned leader to the newest candidate, have the opportunity to hear the same message, no matter where we live or to which Movement we belong.

To aid and support this aim, the Officers Group (OG) of the CCCC is prepared to assist any movement that requests it help.
CCCC offers two different methods.

A Cursillo of Cursillos is facilitated by CCCC in a region rather than for one movement and has been developed by the Mallorcan School of Leaders. It basically follows the same format as a Cursillo weekend with rollos, table group discussions and plenary sessions. In addition regular prayer times and daily celebration of the Eucharist. The Cursillo of Cursillos runs from Thursday night until Sunday afternoon. For more information please read What is a Cursillo of Cursillos.

A CCCC Sponsored Workshop?

CCCC has loosely developed what is called a Cursillo for Cursillistas. This is more like a workshop and its time frame can be adapted to suit the needs and reality of the local movement requesting it. It would typically run from Friday night to Sunday morning or may end on Saturday evening. Any diocese may request to hold one of these workshops. CCCC will provide the materials, such as outlines and masters of any handouts that should be given. The team leader will be either a member of CCCC or their designated local leader. The team preparing to facilitate the workshop does so in co-operation with CCCC and the local secretariat.

These workshops can be an excellent jumping off point for a School of Leaders. They are not meant to answer questions specifically but rather to inspire leaders to seek the answers to their questions by discussion and dialogue thus creating, Leaders Who Think, something that Eduardo Bonnín has said, the Movement needs.

Upon the receipt of a written request sent via electronic mail to the Resource Centre ( or surface mail to CCCC Resource Centre, PO Box 23066, Shoppers Westend PO, Vernon, BC, V1T 9L8, the Officers Group will enter into discussions to determine the best means of providing the needed support and what the focus of the workshop needs to be in order to address the perceived needs of the local movement. Should the Officers Group and the movement making the request determine that the most effective means of providing such support is through a workshop or events lead by a member or members of the Officers Group or others whom the OG recommend, then this will be provided if the requesting movement is prepared to pay for the attendant costs of such workshops or events (travel, accommodation, food, supplies related to the workshop/event).